
[diary] Hello, this is SS501 JungMin.

정민입니다..^^ @ 2010-07-03, 1:51:49 PM

안녕하세요? SS501 정민입니다.

자주 인사드리려고 했는데, 글을 쓰다 지우다 쓰다 지우다...
결국 오늘 까지 와버렸네요!!
지금 상황에 괜히 나의 글이 멤버들에게 해가 되면 어쩌나..하고 있었는데,
아무래도 이야기를 하는게 좋을 것 같아서 오늘은 글을 씁니다.

SS501의 이번 앨범 활동은 대만의 금곡상 이후로 마무리되었습니다.
정말 많은 분들이 와주셨어요.
대만에서도, 홍콩에서도, 일본에서도~,또 중국에서도~~우리 트리플에스!!
다섯명이 무대했으면 정말 좋았을텐데..라고 생각했습니다.
와주시고 응원해주셔서 감사했어요~!
(먼저, 감사하다는 말 하고 싶었어요.)

결론부터 말씀드리자면,
SS501로서 멤버 전원의 계약은

지금의 회사는 물론, 국내외의 대형기회사에서 제안이 있었던 것은 사실이지만,
모두 불발되었습니다.

그리고 저는 아직까지 아무 곳과 계약을 맺지 않고 있는 상태이며,
여러 곳에서 제안이있었지만 아직 대답하지 않았습니다.
멤버들과 상의후 대답하겠다...라고 까지 대답해 놓은 상태입니다.

계약을 맺는다면 여러분들께 정식으로 알려드리겠습니다.
(계약을 맺기전까지는 DSP에서 모든 관리를 해주고 있습니다..!)

음...이번 활동을 마무리하기전 회의들도 있었고,
각 멤버별, 사모님과의 면담 역시 있었습니다.
5명이 좀 더 많은 이야기를 나누어야겠지만..!
충분히 가능하며 해야하게하는 것.
거취문제는 물론 이제는 개인적인 문제임이 되어버린 것이 틀림없지만,
그에 앞서 SS501의 지속적인 활동을 위해서 SS501로서의 앨범과 콘서트등...의

활동에 대한 이야기.
이벤트성 가수는 노땡큐니까..!!

더 쓸 글들이 많지만...일단 접어두겠습니다.

실은 늦잠자다가 깜짝놀라 깬거라...ㅠㅠ
멤버들 놀랬을까 전화해봤더니 전화가 안되네요~~!
안그래도 계속 회의하자~~만나자~~이랬는데,
슬픈소식들도있고해서..가뜩이나 이럴 때에..미안한 마음 가득입니다..ㅠㅠ

아! 그리고 앞으로도 홈페이지는 계속 열려있는다고 하니,
여기서 계속 볼 수 있을꺼예요^^
글 자주 올리고 하겠습니다..!!

ジョンミンです..^^ @ 2010-07-03, 1:51:49 PM

こんにちは。SS501 ジョンミンです。

台湾からも、香港からも、日本からも〜、また中国からも〜〜私たちのTriple S!










Hello, Jungmin here..^^ @ 2010-07-03, 1:51:49 PM

Annyeonghaseyo? SS501's JungMin here.
Though I have been sending my greetings here often like this, I often wrote it then erased, wrote it then erased...
But in the end I've decided to do away with that thought!!
In this current situation like now, what if my entry causes a huge impact on my members..
I'd thought so like this, but no matter what, if I am to write something at least, it'd be good,
and so I am writing this piece today.

First of all!!
SS501's album promotions this time round has had finally come to a close after Taiwan's Golden Melody Awards.
There were really many people who came to give support.
From Taiwan too, from HongKong too, even from Japan too~, and also from China~~ Our TripleS!!
If the five of us could do a stage together, it would have been really wonderful.. Thought of it like this.
Thank you for having gone down to give support and help~!
(I want to say thank you first.)

Let me begin to start talking with the conclusion,
about the contract issue of us SS501 members,
though of course, there are huge agency companies domestic and foreign waving their hands to us and that's a fact,
but they've all been dismissed.

Also, right at this moment, up until now, I'm not signed on to any agency companies and not leaving for any places,
although there are many invitations coming from everywhere, I've not had replied to them as of now.
After discussing with our members then I'll give a reply... That will be the circumstance where I'll only give replies.

If I were to sign on to any contract, I will let all of you know officially.
(Before I make any contract signings, all our administration will be done under DSP..!)

Eum...Before this time's promo activities ended, there were many meetings held together,
with each of our members, with bosses (inclusive boss' wife) with managers, many discussions held together.
Though the 5 of us are supposed to discuss more amongst ourselves..!
We did so to the appropriate extend.
The future moves problems have of course doubtlessly became an issue on each of our side,
but for the sake of SS501's future persisting activities and albums, concerts to be done with the name of SS501...
I'm referring to our future activities.
Because to have to be singers who must have events is a no-thankyou..!!

Though I still have much more to write...I'll just write this much first.

Actually I was having some late nap, but then I woke up taken aback...TT TT
I was afraid that members would get shocked too, so I gave them calls, but they didn't pick up~~!
Despite so, we'll still be carrying out meetings nonetheless~ Will see you then~~ though so,
Because there have been many upsetting news..At this kind of time..I'm filled with an apologetic heart very much..TT TT

Ah! Also in future too, I'll still continue to come to our homepage,
you'll see me right here^^
Will continue to leave entries often..!!

japanese:hiromi@MinMal days

[news] 0703 JungMin signed with Sony Taiwan?





SS501 박정민, 중화권 대형 음반사 이적? "아직 결정된 것 없다"

2010. 07.03(토) 11:30

[티브이데일리=김진경 기자] SS501 박정민이 외국 대형 음반회사와 전속 계약을 맺었다는 소문이 온라인을 통해 떠돌고 있다.

소문에 따르면 박정민은 최근 배용준의 소속사 키이스트로 이적한 김현중보다 먼저 대만 소니측과 계약을 맺은 것으로 전해졌다.

다양한 해외 활동으로 인기를 얻으며 SS501멤버들은 중화권 음반사로 부터 꾸준한 러브콜을 받아왔었다고.

이에 소속사 DSP 엔터테인먼트 측은 티브이데일리와의 전화통화에서 "아직 결정된 사실이 아니다"며 조심스럽게 답하는 모습을 보였다.

SS501은 지난달 8일 DSP미디어측과 전속 계약이 만료된 상태다.

[티브이데일리=김진경 기자 star@tvdaily.co.kr]


SS501パクジョンミン、中華圏の大規模なレコードレーベル移籍? "まだ決まったことではない"







SS501 박정민, 외국계 기획사와 계약…나머지 멤버도 접촉 중

[쿠키 연예] SS501 박정민이 외국계 기획사와 전속 계약을 맺은 가운데 키이스트로 옮긴 김현중을 제외한 나머지 멤버들도 해당 음반회사와 접촉 중이였던 것으로 알려졌다.

박정민이 계약한 회사는 모 매체의 보도대로 대만 소니가 아닌 대만 드라마 제작사 등 외국계 기획사들의 합작회사로, 현재 국내 법인 추진 중으로 알려졌다. 이 회사는 현재 박정민 영입에 공을 들여 계약했고, 발효 시점은 8월로 알려졌다.

특히 아직 거취를 결정하지 않은 허영생, 김규종, 김형준 등 SS501 나머지 멤버들에 대해서도 해당 회사가 러브콜을 보내고 있는 것으로 알려져, 이것이 성사될 경우 김현중을 제외한 나머지 멤버들로 이뤄진 그룹 활동도 가능할 것으로 보인다.

그러나 이에 대해 한 관계자는 “나머지 멤버들에 대해 접촉한 것을 사실이지만, 현재는 중단된 상태다. 법인 추진 등 아직 모든 것이 제대로 갖춰지지 않은 상태”라 설명했다.

한편 SS501은 지난달 8일 DSP미디어와 전속 계약이 만료됐으며, 김현중은 배우들이 주축이 된 배용준 소속사 키이스트로 이전했다.

국민일보 쿠키뉴스 유명준 기자 neocross@kukimedia.co.kr








박정민, 韓기획사는 '미정'..대만활동만 소니와 계약

5인 아이돌그룹 박정민이 차기 한국 기획사를 정하지 않은 가운데, 대만 활동 부분과 관련해서만 소니대만 측과 전속 계약을 맺었다.

소니뮤직코리아 측은 3일 머니투데이 스타뉴스에 "박정민이 소니대만과 계약을 맺은 것은 맞다"라면서도 "하지만 이는 한국 활동이 아닌, 대만에서의 음반 발매 및 활동과 관련한 계약"이라고 밝혔다. 박정민은 이전에도 자신의 쇼핑몰 등 사업과 관련, 대만을 자주 찾았다.

한국 가수들이 해외 활동과 관련, 현지 음반회사 및 유통사와 전속계약을 맺는 경우는 일반적이다. 대표적인 경우는 SM엔터테인먼트 소속의 보아가 일본에서는 에이벡스를 통해 음반을 내는 것이다.

박정민도 대만에서의 활동과 관련, 이처럼 일반적인 경우를 따랐을 뿐 아직까지 국내 기획사를 확정짓지 않은 것으로 알려졌다. 박정민을 포함한 SS501 멤버들은 데뷔 때부터 함께 했던 DSP미디어와 이달 초 전속 계약이 종료 됐으며, 이 중 리더 김현중만이 배용준 이나영 등이 소속된 키이스트와 최근 전속 계약을 맺었다 .

DSP미디어 측 관계자도 이날 "박정민은 아직까지 우리는 물론, 국내의 다른 어떤 회사와도 매니지먼트 계약을 맺지 않았다"라고 밝혔다.

DPS미디어는 최근인 지난 6월29일에도 공식자료를 통해 SS501 멤버들의 향후 거취와 관련, " "김현중이 키이스트와 전속계약을 체결했지만 네 멤버는 아직 결정되지 않았다"라며 "김형준은 SBS파워FM '뮤직하이' DJ로 활동하며 거취를 결정할 것이고, 허영생 김규종 박정민은 당분간 휴식을 취하며 결정할 예정"이라고 전했다.

이로써 박정민이 자신의 향후 활동을 실질적으로 총괄한 가능성이 높은 새 한국 소속사를 언제 어디로 정할 지에 더욱 관심이 쏠리고 있다. 박정민의 한국 내에서의 거취 결정도 SS501의 존속 및 해체 여부에 적지 않은 영향을 미칠 확률이 크기 때문이다.

머니투데이 길혜성 기자











japanese:hiromi@MinMal days+translator

[info] “Royal Avenue” new homepage design+message

With everyone’s fervent expectation and care Royal Avenue will emerge with a new look once again.

During this period ROYAL AVENUE not only manages ONLINE,OFFLINE and still concurrently runs a internet CAFE, and also stabilizing the shop.

so, in order for Royal Avenue to be on par with the image of the Online store, a new webpage design will be introduced

now, any new developments in ROYAL AVENUE, we will also be updating the new developments in LAPINCARROT at the same time

LAPINCARROT specializes in supplying ladies fashion under ROYAL AVENUE

Current ROYAL AVENUE Members, please register again at LAPINCARROT

In order to protect your privacy, we will be sending you another set of ID and Password

After joining, please activate your account as soon as possible

Current members please register quickly

ROYAL AVENUE who is improving increasingly will meet everyone as quickly as possible!

english:SSlovePZM@NO.43Park[Korean - Chinese]+Josie@501wangja.multiply.com[Chinese - English]
shared:☆ SS501 ☆ 사랑해요 ☆


[pic] 0626 tom & jerry @ golden melody award - 5

backdoor:SS501's Playground

[pic] 0628 jungmin arrived korea from pheromin

[news] If JM wants to act in TW dramas?

"If Jungmin wants to act in Taiwan dramas, he has to first overcome his language barrier"

South Korean boyband SS501's Park JungMin and Kim HyungJun came to Taiwan as prize presenters, but on a personal level,
they did not forget about the World cup too, right after presenting the first award, they hogged their television in hotel watching the South Korea match VS Uruguay match, but in the end, the South Korea match failed to win through, to which both of them couldn't help but feel slightly upset. This year's Golden Melody Awards is the first time for JungMin and HyungJun, they find it curious about Taiwan's ecological diversity, after HyungJun knew that A-Mei (taiwanese female singer) achieved the Best Mandarin Female Singer, he jokingly expressed his wish of congratulating her face to face.

Whilst on the other hand, yesterday afternoon, it was seen that only HyungJun returned to Korea solely on his own, and JungMin extended his stay. Previously it was rumoured that he would be invading the Chinese markets on his own, probably he would take this chance in Taiwan to discuss further about more chances of cooperation, he whom secretly made a trip down to Taiwan some months ago, actually went to the night club last saturday (26 Jun) with staff members to have fun which lasted until around 3AM right after finishing the world cup match on the same day itself.

That night after the award presentation, both HyungJun and Jungmin went to Korea's restaurant named "MuJin restaurant" to have dinner, after that they returned speedily to hotel room in order to catch the World cup match, who knows South Korea lost the ball, where both of them exclaimed, "Ahh it's alright, it's been an honour, 4 years later we'll try again"; on the other hand Kim HyungJun congratulates A-Mei for her 6 awards achieved, "Though she doesn't know me, but please help me to convey this message, congratulations for achieving your award!". After hearing Destination selling a total of 12,000 in its first batch, he then left Taiwan satisfyingly.
Whilst Park Jungmin was full of strength. On 26th night after finishing world cup match, he then went to Primo nightclub to have fun, and yesterday, he was out with friends to have meals. With regards to rumours to PJM's participation in Taiwanese idol dramas, producer Angie Chai who took on an interview with China daily TV clarified that "There are no plans currently for that. He doesn't know how to speak Chinese, and I dont know how to speak Korean, previously we ate together was because we had a common friend."

26th: media interview in hotel - red carpet - award - eat at MuJin rest. - go back hotel
to watch Soccer - Jm goes out, HgJ stays in - JM goes to play at Primo - head back hotel to rest

credit:china daily news
shared:賽倫之歌 siren-ssi's blog+➄Ⓞ➀ 순간에는

[news] SS501, 2 handsomes arrive in Taiwan, Interview by fan with fake mic

2 handsomes arrive in Taiwan, Interview by fan with fake mic

Invited by Golden Melody Awards, Korean group SS501 members Park JungMin and Kim HyungJun arrives in Taiwan, casually dressed, and was greeted by 400 fans. In order to be upclose and personal to their idols, the fans cracked their brains and came up with various ways. They weren’t supposed to be interviewed, but there were fans who had microphones that had TVBS (a broadcast company) words stuck on it, closing up on them to stop them, luckily they were being stopped by the staffs who saw through the trick. Both of them received presents and will occasionally shake hands with the fans and greeted them.


This time round, the fans were disappointed that not all members of SS501 can be present. Channel [V] “Korean Popular Songs” that will be broadcasted today will have a section on “Comeback Special”, and fans will be able to see all members of SS501 in silver grey suits, singing their new song ‘Love ya’.

今回ファンたちは全メンバーが来ないことに落胆していた。 Channel [V] "韓国人気歌謡"は今日彼らのカムバックスペシャルを放送する。ファンたちはメンバー全員がシルバーグレイのスーツに身を包み、新曲の"Love Ya"を歌う姿を見ることができるだろう。

japanese:hiromi@MinMal days

[news] SS501's Handsome Duo arrived Taiwan

SS501's Handsome Duo arrived Taiwan, Both receiving presents along the way till hands ache

Korean popular group SS501's two members Park Jung Min and Kim Hyung Jun arrived at Taipei Airport on 25 June. Although 3 out of 5 members are not able to come, but there’s still over 500 fans waited at the Airport Terminal to receive them, the popularity was not decreased despite missing 3 members. Fans had also prepared all sorts of presents for their idol.



'Green Pea Princesses' welcoming their idols passionately

Park Jung Min shaking hands with fans

Idols unable to move an inch due to the overwhelming fans

This trip to Taipei, Park Jung Min and Kim Hyung Jun is here as the award presenters for Golden Melody Award. Anxious fans waiting at the Arrival Hall, they were heavily surrounded by a few hundred numbers of fans the moment they alight from the plane. 3 security guards and also staff from the record company have to be their escorts and paced the way for them, thus able to let the 2 award presenters to get through. Many passionate fans gave them presents, some even brought camera, following closely throughout the whole journey to take video and pictures. Park Jung Min was waving happily to fans, even proactively accepted flowers from fans, even had interactions with fans ,” Hello everyone, I am Park Jung Min, Park Jung Min, we are SS501, Fighting Fighting.” It was an pre-encouragement act for his upcoming award presentation performance, during Golden Melody Award, they will be presenting awards for Best Singing Group and Best Music Composer.

Due to the agency contract which was already expired and led to signs of disbandment, with much effort on coordinating for this event, Park Jung Min and Kim Hyung Jun thus only able to confirm attendance for this award presentation. Fans which was labeled as ‘Green Pea Princesses’ of course do not wish them to disband, they were holding green and gold balloons to welcome, hands were holding long stickers with ‘Celebrating SS501 debut 5 year Anniversary’ on it, expressing their feelings of not wanting their idol to disband.

There are fanatic fans that followed the idols from the Arrival Hall to their car, there’s even fans that came out with fake TVBS interview mic, trying to get closer to their idols, but was uncovered by the staff. That night TV station will be broadcasting [Korea Popular Songs] and there will be a ‘comeback special’, will be able to see SS501 all members performing together, they will be wearing silvery grey suit with see through back, singing

japanese:hiromi@MinMal days

[pic] 0625 jungmin departure for taiwan



[vid] 0628 jungmin departure for back to korea fancams





[pic] 0628 jungmin departure for back to korea


credit:blog.naver.com/501_dg (하루노히)