
[news] SS501, 2 handsomes arrive in Taiwan, Interview by fan with fake mic

2 handsomes arrive in Taiwan, Interview by fan with fake mic

Invited by Golden Melody Awards, Korean group SS501 members Park JungMin and Kim HyungJun arrives in Taiwan, casually dressed, and was greeted by 400 fans. In order to be upclose and personal to their idols, the fans cracked their brains and came up with various ways. They weren’t supposed to be interviewed, but there were fans who had microphones that had TVBS (a broadcast company) words stuck on it, closing up on them to stop them, luckily they were being stopped by the staffs who saw through the trick. Both of them received presents and will occasionally shake hands with the fans and greeted them.


This time round, the fans were disappointed that not all members of SS501 can be present. Channel [V] “Korean Popular Songs” that will be broadcasted today will have a section on “Comeback Special”, and fans will be able to see all members of SS501 in silver grey suits, singing their new song ‘Love ya’.

今回ファンたちは全メンバーが来ないことに落胆していた。 Channel [V] "韓国人気歌謡"は今日彼らのカムバックスペシャルを放送する。ファンたちはメンバー全員がシルバーグレイのスーツに身を包み、新曲の"Love Ya"を歌う姿を見ることができるだろう。

japanese:hiromi@MinMal days

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